How to Fix a Leaking Kitchen Sink?

by Sinkple Mr. on Mar 01, 2024

Leaky kitchen sinks are a common household nuisance. The constant drip-drip sound, the water pooling under the cabinet—it’s a headache no one wants. But fear not! With a bit of know-how and some elbow grease, you can tackle this problem like a pro. In this guide, we'll walk you through step-by-step how to identify and fix those pesky leaks, saving you time, money, and frustration.


Identifying the Culprit

When your worksation kitchen sink decides to turn into a mini Niagara Falls, it's time to play detective. Here's how to spot the troublemakers causing all the fuss:

  1. A pressurised water hose leak: Ever experienced a surprise shower under your sink? If you've got a constant spray resembling a lawn sprinkler, chances are, this is the culprit! It's a real mess-maker!
  2. A drain line leak: Picture this: you turn on the tap, and as the water gurgles away, so does your sanity because there's a leaky pipe under the sink. Sounds familiar? Yep, you've got yourself a leak!
  3. A faulty seal or drain gasket: If neither of the above scenarios fits the bill, it's time to investigate the seals and gaskets. Fill up that sink and watch closely as the water performs its vanishing act. If there's leakage, you've found your problem!
  4. Unidentified issue: Still scratching your head over the mystery leak? It might be time to wave the white flag and call in the cavalry—k.a. the plumber!


Fixing the Leak

Now that you've zeroed in on the trouble spot, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. Here's how to tackle each type of leak:

For a Pressurised Water Hose Leak:

  1. Turn off the water:Stop the flood at its source! Shut off that water supply pronto!
  2. Tighten the fittings: Grab your trusty wrench and give those fittings around the shut-off valves a good ol' tightening. Remember, righty-tighty, lefty-loosey!
  3. Still leaking? Tighten the faucet connection: If the waterworks persist, focus your attention on the connection between the pipe and the faucet. Get those adjustable pliers out and give it a firm twist!
  4. When all else fails, call a plumber:Sometimes, even our best efforts fall short. If you're still knee-deep in leaks, it's time to dial up the professionals!


Found a Leak in the Drain Line? Here's What to Do:

  1. Tighten the connections: Get that wrench back out and make sure all the nuts and connections are snug as a bug!
  2. Unblock the sink: After tightening everything up, don't forget to give your sink a good unclogging. Nobody likes a backed-up drain!
  3. Still leaking? It's corrosion's fault: If corrosion is the culprit, you might need to roll up your sleeves and replace some piping. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it!
  4. Time to summon the plumber: If all your efforts go down the drain (pun intended), it's time to call in the experts!


Dealing with a Drain Gasket Leak? Here's the Drill:

  1. Grab some plumber's putty: This magical substance will be your best friend in sealing up that pesky gasket leak!
  2. Unscrew the sink drain: Keep those towels handy—it could get messy!
  3. Clean out old putty:Say goodbye to the remnants of yesteryear's sealant. It's time for a fresh start!
  4. Add a fresh layer: With the old putty out of the way, lay down a fresh coat of the good stuff.
  5. Screw the drain back together:Tighten everything up and give it a test run!
  6. Alternatively, try silicone caulk: In a pinch? Silicone caulk can also do the trick!
  7. When all else fails, pick up the phone: If your DIY prowess falls short, don't hesitate to call in the pros!

 Related: How to Protect Your Kitchen Sink?



And there you have it, folks! Armed with this nifty guide, you're now equipped to tackle those kitchen sink leaks like a seasoned DIY pro. But remember, there's no shame in calling for backup when the going gets tough. Happy fixing, and may your sinks stay dry forevermore!